African Dragon of Sangoma

Welcome to our website!

This page is dedicated to our partners, friends and members of the Drago family. At home we have Rhodesian Ridgebacks in our hearts. After that the first RR joined our family we have already realized that this breed will be accompanying us all our life. Their character, behavior, senses, emotions and, of course, appearance are an irreplaceable source of love and joy. Today we have three ridgeback family members and we are sure that our pack will continue to grow in the upcoming years ...

Vítáme vás na našich stránkách!

Tyto stránky jsou věnovány především našemu parťákovi , kamarádovi a plnohodnotnému členovi naší rodiny jménem Drago . U nás doma máme plemeno rhodéského ridgebacka v srdci , už po pořízení prvního RR jsme věděli , že nás toto plemeno bude provázet celým životem . Jejich charakter , chování , city a samozřejmě vzhled jsou nenahraditelným zdrojem lásky . K dnešnímu dni máme doma již tři představitele tohoto úžasného plemene a víme , že se naše smečka bude do budoucna rozrůstat ....

Shows & titles

From young age Drago has been very successful on shows!!

So he has won several national and international shows and achieved many Champion titles.

Here you can take a look what he has reached so far...


Drago has an absolute super & lovely character, great health results and successful ancestors!!

Here you can find all infos about my big love Drago ...


I love to make photos of my handsome boy!

Here you can find several galleries as stack, head, show, action...

I wish you lots of fun watching them...ENJOY!!